The Whipping Boy by Miss Patty (patty the pooch) Mistress wasn't happy. And as any slave can tell you, if Mistress isn't happy, then no one is happy! The day had started happy enough and progressed rather well. We were on an outing, Mistress and I and our part time household slave, casey. Mistress wanted to go to the ocean, as She often does. So we had packed a picnic lunch and bundled Her off to the rugged Maine coastline finding just the right hideaway with the big flat rocks She loves so much. casey and I set up the lunch while Mistress sat on a folding chair gazing out at the sea. It was a leisurely day, not yet into the full steam of summer. The waves crashed against the rocks leaving sizzling lacey seafoam in their wake. It was poetic. Of course neither casey nor myself had thought to bring a camera, Mistress thinks of Herself as a fair photographer and loves to capture intense scenery. So needless to say, She was a bit perturbed about that, but blew it off in a friendly way. We were dressed sensibly for the activity, so safe enough from Her anger in any event. After lunch casey and I went our separate ways, he preferring to climb higher among the rocks, while I chose to walk along the sandy shore looking for special rocks and shells. Mistress had brought along a book and was quietly reading near the edge of Her chosen flat rock, the waves breaking mere inches from Her feet. We had left Her a tall, cool drink and some chips to munch on. Everything else was packed back into the cooler and wicker basket. I lost myself in discovering each different rock, or purple shell, the hours slipping by as I wandered further down the beach. Suddenly, my exploring came to an abrupt end as casey ran up to me, out of breath, a wide-eyed look of panic stretched across his face. "Miss Patty, c'mon, Mistress is looking for you. She's ready to leave and wondered where you were. Let's go!" he tugged at my arm as we made our way back to Mistress's perch. "There you are, you little bitch!" Mistress was standing, hands on hips, anger dancing from Her eyes. "Don't you have rules about this sort of thing, poochie?" She demanded. "And you...." She pointed at casey, "Why is this stuff still strewn around Me? Why hasn't it been packed back into the car?!" She swept Her arm dramatically around in a circle. Typically, She demanded answers from both of us at the same time. I began, "Mistress, I was just looking for nice shells and things to add to our collection. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get out of eyesight." I looked into Her blue eyes then dropped my head. I was in for it this time, no doubt about it. "And you?" She turned on casey. "I suppose you were hiding from sight to sneak a cigarette. Get over here, let me smell your breath," She grabbed at casey's collar and pulled him to her. "Ah, just as I suspected. you have been smoking." A deep disgusted sigh. "I can't even spend a little time relaxing without the two of you disregarding all your rules! We will discuss this at home." She pronounced. Mistress turned away from us and gingerly stepped off the huge slab of granite onto the path leading back to the car. She stopped once to issue a clean up order over Her shoulder, then continued on to the car. We scrambled behind Her, packing up the last of the picnic and folding Her chair, then dutifully followed behind. casey and I exchanged furtive glances but continued in silence. The ride home was tense. Mistress said nothing, but there was an aura of expectations of the arrival home and what would ensue. As we pulled into the drive, Mistress gave me a stern look that caused me to shrink down in the seat and try to be invisible. casey's face was blanched and I could sense his rising dread as well. Little did we know the lesson Mistress had devised to correct our offenses. "OK, you two. casey get in the bathroom and prepare my bath. I want lilac oils and scent. poochie into the bedroom and lay out my red satin and chiffon gown, black lace body stocking and red gloves. My feet are sore from the rocks so add my black velvet slippers for comfort. I will prepare the training room." That was a new one I thought, usually Mistress had me or casey lay out the implements. "And poochie, after you get my things ready, you are to prepare yourself as Miss Patty. It's time to add to your Domina training." She added. "Yes, Mistress, as you desire, Mistress." casey and I chanted in unison as we often did. Then the two of us backed away, turned and went to do Her bidding. I wondered what was in store. From Her mood, I thought we were both about to be punished. But She wanted me there as Miss Patty, so maybe only casey was being punished. That didn't make sense. I shook my head and sighed as I layed out Her beautiful lingerie. I showered and then prepared myself, pulling into my fishnet and spandex catsuit, short black satin gloves and strappy black patent leather heels. I enjoy being Miss Patty, toying with Mistress's pets and a few of my own. But today seemed ominous, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy my Domina training today. I ran my fingers down my black, spandex encased breasts feeling my nipples grow in acknowledgement. Despite Mistress's displeasure, I was aroused. My fingers trailed down to my covered womanhood and I massaged a moment feeling my clit throb. Yes, I smacked my lips together, I was indeed a bit excited. I toyed with the idea of getting out my vibrator and amusing myself as Mistress got ready, but decided it was definitely not the time. I vigorously brushed my blond hair and then walked to the training room. casey was already there, kneeling naked in one corner. I saw him stir as I entered the room, probably trying to discern which one of us it was. Mistress had not yet arrived. "It's me casey. Did she tell you anything?" I stood behind him. "No, Miss Patty, just that I was to go to the training room, strip and kneel in the corner as I am doing. She isn't giving out any clues at all." he whispered. I walked over to the equipment rack and saw that She had selected several whips, a couple wooden paddles and the long fierce Dragoon cane. None of them were my particular favorites, and I can always do without that particular cane. I seated myself in my chair and waited for Her arrival. I didn't have long to wait, I kneeled as Mistress Charlene entered, my Lady in Red in Her exotic lingerie. The scent of "Red" perfume, one of Her favorites, lingered in the air. "Very good," Ms.C. announced. "Patty, get in your chair, you are a Domina trainee right now and I expect you to live the part..." I sat. "casey, get over here and worship Miss Patty's feet as I detail today's lesson." I extended one foot as casey clasped it in both hands and lowered his lips to my leather. "Today, Miss Patty, you will be in charge of correcting casey for today's transgressions. In doing so, you will also be atoning for your own. After all, you desire the lash and casey desires to avoid the lash. So fitting punishment for my naughty little slaves," She laughed darkly. "I will be observing the entire class. I will not interrupt you unless I feel something is missing or being done incorrectly." She pulled casey's face away from my shoe and looked into his eyes, "Today, little man, you are going to play a special role. For I will determine what punishment poochie has earned for her infraction of the rules, and, as Miss Patty, she will administer it to you in substitution." She laughed at Her own ingenuity. "If I am not pleased with how she administers it, when she is through, I will continue your punishment. That takes care of her transgressions, you will still owe me for your own." Another chuckle. She paused allowing it to sink in, then continued, "pooch, or should I say Miss Patty, do you recall what you did wrong?" She peered into my face as casey resumed his attentions to my feet. "Well, Yes, Mistress. I lost track of time and wandered out of your sight." I spoke clearly with only a slight tremble. "And the penalty?" She continued. casey cringed as he realized the implications. "Why yes, Mistress, the penalty for going anywhere without permission, including out of your eyesight is fifty strokes to the soul of my feet with the thin white rod." I shivered dreading such a punishment and not believing casey would get it instead of me. Ms.C. stood and walked over to the implements pulling away the Dragoon cane and lengths of soft nylon rope. She dropped the rope next to casey and sat holding the cane. "Well, casey is going to receive your punishment. And you are going to administer it. But I want it done with this cane instead of the rod. Tie him up, belly down, feet in the air. The number will be reduced to twenty five strokes, delivered with moderate intensity. casey, do you agree to be Miss Patty's whipping boy today? It will involve bondage and discipline." "Yes, Mistress, as you desire, Mistress." casey responded. That was my cue to begin. I pushed casey away from my feet and stood over him selecting a length of rope. "Belly down, casey, on the bondage table!" I ordered. I leaned over him tieing his wrists, thighs, knees and ankle together, each with a cinch knot linked through his limbs. Then I ran a line from his bound feet to his waist and tied it around him snugly so that his feet would remain in the air. Next, some rope anchored him to the tying rings on either side of the table. Soon he was completely immobilized. I tucked my finger into his bonds, assuring myself that his circulation wasn't impaired. I saw trembling course through his body as he waited. "casey, I want you to count each stroke, thank me and beg for another." I instructed. "Yes, Miss Patty, I'm ready when you are," casey bravely replied. Ms.C. handed me the cane and I brought it down squarely across his upturned foot. "One, Miss Patty, thank you, may I please have another?" It was a ritualistic response Mistress had taught us and required no acknowledgement on my part. "Oh, and by the way, did I mention that if I feel the strokes are too lenient, you will be earning double during your next punishment session, My dear." Mistress commented. Oh dear! I was going to have to really work casey over. I stood back, assessed my target and brought the cane down again. casey jumped at the bite, but didn't lose his composure, "That's two, thank you Miss Patty, may I please have another?" And so we continued, I paused at times to check the skin of casey's soles. They were brilliantly red, but uncut. he was straining in his bonds, but they held tight, keeping him securely within my grasp. I walked around to the front of the table and pushed against his head with my womanhood. I maneuvered around until I could feel his hot breath through the spandex. My arm rose and as I ground myself into his face, I brought the cane down again. "Three, Miss Patty, may I please have another?" his voice was muffled against me, his words sending thrilling vibrations across my clit. And so we continued until we had reached twenty five. I walked away and returned the cane to it's place. Then I released casey from the table and turned him over, securing his wrists and ankles spread eagle to the bondage table. his penis was hard and bobbed as I worked over him. "Ah, I see we have a problem, casey," I chuckled. "And what shall I do about this!" I laughed as I grabbed hold of his rigid penis. he jumped at the touch but didn't pull away. "I don't know Miss Patty, I'm sorry if it displeases you." casey murmured peeking up at me to determine my mood. I looked over at Mistress, but She was quiet, just watching with a light smile playing across Her lips. "Maybe I was too hasty, returning the cane," I slapped at his penis, holding it firmly at the base with my other hand. I could feel casey's breath playing across my breasts. Leaning over him from the back, my womanhood rested on his face and my breasts swung free from the spandex as I continued to slap his naughty penis. Far from discouraging it's growth, it actually doubled in size enclosed within my gloved hand and began a steady throbbing. I climbed onto the table so that I could comfortable sit on casey's face as I continued the slapping. I lowered myself over his lips and nose, rubbing back and forth until the moisture seeped trough the crotch of my spandex catsuit. Still crouched down, my breasts pressed against his belly as I slapped away at his penis. he was getting closer to orgasm as I squeezed his head between my thighs and squirmed my hard nipples across him. "Can you breath back there, slave?" I called over my shoulder. "I wouldn't want you to pass out and miss the rest of the fun." I gave his penis a squeeze and several hard strokes to bring him to the brink of orgasm. I breathed on the head of his penis, my lips an inch away. But casey knew that was something I would never do. he would not feel my mouth encircle him and suck him deep into my throat. "Uh.... yes, Miss Patty.... I am fine, thank you Miss patty...." casey breathed into me. I wanted to feel his tongue pleasure me, but Mistress had said nothing about that so I refrained from pulling open the crotch snaps to my catsuit allowing casey's tongue to plunge inside me. Perhaps later Mistress would allow it. I rode his face a little longer, slapped his penis twice and then climbed down. I was so excited I could hardly move, but it would wait. I walked to the implements and selected a small penis whip. casey would feel the stinging kiss of my whip instead of my lips across his enlarged penis. I began steadily stroking the stiff leather strands across his shaft. I enjoy the same sensation across my large breasts, but today I was Miss Patty, and I would relish it completely. I again leaned over casey's head as I whipped his penis, then walked around him and got at him from various angles. "I see the leather is not convincing you from your naughtiness. In fact, it seems you are growing larger!" I laughed. "Maybe a little lotion cool down would help." I threw down the whip, pulled off my gloves and retrieved a bottle of aloe lotion. Pulling on a pair of thin latex gloves, I squirted a little into the palm of my hand and began to massage it into casey's penis, rubbing in firm circular strokes the length of his shaft and cupping his balls in my other hand. "There! All nice and soft," I giggled as soft was one thing casey definitely was not! I glanced over at Ms.C. and She still seemed to be enjoying the show, so I continued. I pulled off the latex and replaced my black gloves. Then I released casey and let him fall to my feet. I pulled him close to me, turned around and pointed at my upturned ass. "Worship me, slave," I demanded. casey began to tongue my buttocks through the fishnet of my catsuit. "Do a good job, too, or your punishment will continue...." I grew tired of the slave's ministrations and commanded him to stop. I motioned him over to the wall, near the whipping post. "Stand up close to it, I want to attach your wrists above your head." As casey obeyed, I approached him, snapped on the suspension cuffs and checked them for tightness. Then I positioned his arms against the arm rests fashioned there to prevent muscle strain. I like the suspension cuffs because they offer a good grip for the fingers during discipline. I circled around casey a few times letting him see the strands of the whip playing across my hands. he tried to look away but found himself fascinated. I laughed knowing his response so well because it mirrored my own in the same situation. I continued this "cat and mouse" game a few more minutes, enjoying the excitement coursing through my body as I contemplated what I was about to do. "OK slave, I want to whip you in silence. you needn't count and you needn't thank me. I do want to hear your moans, and see your body respond under the lash, however." I stopped in front of him and looked into his eyes. he quickly shook his head agreeing with my demand. I took my time whipping casey, long easy strokes gradually gave away to a hot peppering of his ass and thighs. A few strokes lightly played across his shoulders, but I confined my work mostly to his meaty ass and tops of his thighs. From time to time I stopped and assessed his hardness by reaching through his legs and grabbing hold of him. he continued to be excited throughout his whipping. I was excited as well and wanted to throw the whip down and command the slave to bring me to orgasm immediately with his tongue! Instead, I stopped briefly to attach a cock ring and leash, pulling it back tautly through his legs. In this manner I continued to whip casey as I tugged on his leashed penis. It was a wonderful game of tug of war and inspired me to whip faster and harder as he moaned against the wooden post. "Ohhhh.... Miss Patty.... I can't stand it any longer!" casey whimpered. "May I please cum?" "Oh, you want to cum for me slave? Ah, I see.... " I threw the whip down, released casey from the post and pushed him to his knees in front of my chair. Seating myself to watch, I pulled tightly on the cock leash still attached to the leather band around the base of his penis. "Yes, slave, I want you to cum for me while I continue to play my game of tug of war with your cock!" I laughed as casey began to pump himself with his hand harder and harder. "I want you to catch your cum slave!" "Enough!" Ms.C. stood and casey and I froze. "This slave is being punished, he is not to cum." She announced. She walked over to casey, grabbing the leash from my hand and tugged him to his feet. Ms.C. grabbed casey by his balls and pulled him to the corner of the room pushing his head into the corner. "You will stay here and think about your crimes for one hour. you are not to cum, I will check and make sure. And you," directing Her attention to me, "Follow me!" I followed Mistress Charlene to Her bedroom. She turned on me peeling my catsuit from my body. Soon I was trembling naked at her feet. She stood over me a moment, then reached down and pulled me up beside Her. "Well, well, what have we here? Is this Miss Patty? Or is this My slave girl pooch?" She looked at me closely. I looked up into her face my eyelashes fluttering nervously. "I see you are nervous, but you haven't answered my question.... Are you Miss Patty or are you My slave girl pooch?" She repeated, waiting for me to answer. I sensed a trap so considered my answer carefully, "I am your slave, Mistress, I am only Miss Patty when it pleases you." I hoped that was what She wanted. "Are you trying to tell me that you don't enjoy being Miss Patty?" Ms.C. continued pulling my face close to Hers. "Oh..... yes, Mistress, I enjoy being Miss Patty...." I tried. "Then you don't enjoy being my slave girl pooch?" She replied. "Yes, Mistress!" I quickly tried to reassure Her, my whole body shaking by now. "Yes what?" Ms.C. grabbed my chin and looked deep into my eyes. "Yes, I enjoy being your slave, that is what I am..." Somehow I wasn't winning this one at all. "But you said you enjoyed being Miss Patty.... are you confused slave?" Mistress Charlene laughed as I shook my head in agreement. "Yes, you are confused. Well, I expect you to enjoy being my slave girl, that is our relationship. However, I also expect you to enjoy being Miss Patty when the occasion arises. Just remember your place. You need me to bring you back to your slave self after a Miss Patty session and that is what I intend to do now." She tied my wrists to the bed, bending me over the side, my knees on the floor. Mistress sat next to me a moment running Her fingers through my hair as she talked to me. Then she stood up and reached for the scourge hanging in it's place near Her bed. This black knotted whip is quite fierce, although it isn't a cutting whip, the knots surely make themselves known deep in my flesh. Mistress Charlene stood behind me and whipped me with the scourge, all the while reminding me of who I am and what I am, Her slave. Finally, it was over, Mistress threw the whip down on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed once more Her hands on my breasts and pussy. She teased me with her fingers getting me very hot and I was on the verge of an orgasm. She laughed as she released my wrists and walked away. "Now you are in the same condition as your slave brother," She beamed a wicked smile my way as She stepped out of Her red nylon panties. "Here, take these to him, put the crotch in his mouth and pull them over his head. Tell him to think about Me and I will be in to attend to him later. Then hurry back to Me!" She sunk down on the bed, the sheer nylon of Her gown hiding nothing. I hurried to the training room and found casey still kneeling in the corner. I watched for a moment and saw him squirm just a bit. Then I walked over to him and grabbed his head, pulling him around to face me. I was naked as Mistress had left me so casey found himself eye level with my pussy as I spoke to him. he gazed back and forth between my pussy and my huge hanging breasts. "Mistress has sent you a gift, but before I let you have it I am going to make you earn it." I laughed. "First, you will give me a horsie ride around the training room!" he dropped to all fours as I climbed on his back rubbing my pussy against him to get him to move. I reached behind and slapped him on the ass to urge him on. "Yes, Miss Patty." casey responded as he crawled around the room. I rubbed my body against him to urge him on and once or twice reached back through his legs giving his balls a squeeze. Finally, I tired of the horsie ride and pulled casey to a stop. I stood in front of him and directed his head between my legs. I rubbed myself against his nose. "You are to do nothing but inhale the wonderful aroma of my aroused womanhood." I pushed into his face as he obediently remained still. "That's a good slave. One little kiss, your tongue tip between your lips." I ordered. I felt him gently touch his lips and tongue tip to my sex. "Very good slave," I bent down. "Now suck each nipple once." I allowed his mouth to obey. Then turning around, "Lastly one kiss on each buttock." casey reached his hands up and held onto my bare hips as he give my ass the two kisses I had allowed. "Lay down," I instructed and casey obeyed. I sat over him a moment in my chair and used my feet to torment his engorged penis. I alternated clasping it between my soles with stroking it. he loved my feet so it had the effect of making him all the more excited as he gazed up at my body, none of my charms hidden from his eyes. My feet teased and tormented him, poking and prodding until I realized I had better get back to Ms.C. I stood over him and crouched giving him a full view, then laughed as I stepped aside. "Very good, slave. Well, Mistress, expects me back, so on to your gift," I pushed him back into the corner and pulled the red nylon panties over his head, pushing the red crotch into his mouth. "There this is your gift from Mistress. She removed them right after she whipped me so you can see how hot She is right now." I laughed. "Think about that as you kneel here. I will be serving Mistress's pleasure while you are being punished. In a few minutes my lips and tongue will please her!" I laughed as I turned and left the training room. "Thank you, Miss Patty," casey murmured after me. I returned to Mistress and knelt next to the bed on the floor. I lowered my head to the floor in the kow-tow position and waited for Her to speak. I wondered if my words were true and if She was about to allow me to worship her full, lush body. Ms.C. layed across the bed, Her lovely breasts exposed to my view and Her legs slightly parted so that I could catch a glimpse of curl. Her hands were playing across Her breasts, Her nipples hard. "I see that my slave girl is excited," Mistress extended Her feet over the side of the bed, one foot pushing me to the floor. "Flip side, on your back!" I quickly assumed the required position. Mistress layed Her feet on my body, one on my breast, the other planted firmly on my pussy. She began to rub Her stockinged feet back and forth making me squirm beneath Her. "Yes, indeed, excited is the word!" Mistress Charlene lifted one foot to my mouth, keeping the other on my pussy as I began to suck through Her stockings, pulling Her toes into my mouth. Her toes dipped between my labia and toyed with my clit. I felt very close to an orgasm, but wasn't sure that this was Her motive. She must have sensed it because suddenly she stopped and pulled me onto the bed between Her legs. She pushed my face to Her thighs and told me to continue. "That's it slave, I want to feel your tongue on my legs. Slowly now, I want to savor it, very slowly work your way to the top of my thighs," Her fingers curled into my hair directing me where She wanted me. Gradually, Mistress pulled me closer and closer to Her open vagina. I had stolen glances at it and saw the glistening moisture through the tangled brown pubic curls. "That's enough!" She pushed me away. Laughing, She turned over. "Now my ass, slave, I want you to kiss and lick my full buttocks...." She reached back pulling Her cheeks apart and directed my nose into the dark brown crevice of Her anus. "That's it, smell your Mistress, slave. you musn't neglect this either!" She pulled my head in between Her buttocks. "I want to feel your tongue on my anus, slave, now!" I tongued around her anus, closer and closer, then firmly stroked my tongue across the puckered brown hole. "That's good, slave, now, let's continue....." She turned in such a way that my tongue fell right into her vagina so I began to lick and try to please Her with my tongue. Soon Mistress's legs were trembling and I knew She was close to a strong orgasm. I reached to Her and inserted three fingers into Her vagina and pumped slowly in and out as I sucked. She grabbed my hair tightly and shuddered through an orgasm. "Very good, slave. Remove your fingers and suck them clean." Ms.C. straightened up as I obeyed. Then She pulled me across Her lap and began massaging. "It's time for your reward. I'm going to allow you to rub against my stockings here across my lap." She reached one hand between my legs seeking out my clit and began to firmly rub it between her fingers. I felt Her breasts squeezed against my back as She huddled over me intent on rewarding Her slave. Soon I felt my orgasm wash over me. "May I cum, Mistress?" I asked. "Yes, slave, cum for your Mistress, don't hold back. I want you to give me your all!" Then it was over and Mistress was gently lowering me to the floor. "Very good, you have pleased me well." She stroked my hair as I sighed with contentment. "Now let's get you into that black satin robe and we'll go have a little more fun with casey!" I scampered to my feet pulling on the robe as I hurried to follow Mistress down the hall. I laughed to myself, yes indeed, time to have some fun with slave casey. Secretly, I relished being Miss Patty over slave casey and looked forward to putting him through his paces.