The Institute by Ms.C. The battered taxi, a Plymouth station wagon, pulled up the circular gravel drive and stopped in front of the entrance. A tall man with dark hair just showing a trace of gray got out. He looked to be in his late thirties or early forties, tanned and fit except for a few extra pounds around the middle. He wore jeans and a turtleneck shirt with a corduroy jacket, and cowboy boots. He carried a bag over his shoulder and walked to the driver's side of the car where he leaned in and paid the driver. As the cab drove off crunching the gravel he dropped the bag at his feet and looked around. It was the middle of a summer morning. The air was still, cool, and sweet and smelled of pine. The sky was cloudless; it looked like the beginning of a perfect summer day in Maine. Behind him were the buildings neat and manicured. In front of him stretched the lawn down to the dusty road, dotted with maple and pine trees.. Across the road were fields of hay and corn. In the distance were the mountains. He picked up his bag, turned toward the largest building and let himself in the main doors. Inside the cool room all was quiet. There was a telephone on a desk, with a hand written sign next to it: "Dial All Extensions Here". He scanned the list for the name he was looking for and dialed the number. "Hello, Ms. Buckley? I'm Martin Gaudin, from the FS. I think you're expecting me?" "Thank you," replied Martin and headed with his bag down the hall. At the third door he paused to read the name on the door: Anne Buckley - Steward. He knocked and waited. Anne Buckley finished typing at her computer when the knock sounded, then got up and went to the door. She opened it to find the tall stranger waiting in the hall. "Martin? Come in please, and show me your identification." Her voice was low , musical, and firm but unhurried. Martin stepped in and looked around. The office was large and comfortable with windows on two sides. Anne's desk was at one end, a large walnut double drawered affair with an attached ell with a computer. There were bookshelves on two of the walls and behind her desk, and, in the opposite end of the room a corner area with three chairs in a semicircle on a braided rug. The floor was hardwood, with another rug underneath the desk chair, and the walls were covered with framed photographs and posters. The desk was clean except for a notebook and lamp. Anne Buckley was young, not yet thirty, and small. She wore khaki shorts, white blouse, and sandals. She had rings on several of her fingers, a silver necklace with a turquoise stone and matching earrings. Her hair was curly and medium length. Martin dropped his bag to the floor and unzipped a side pocket. From it he pulled a manilla envelope. From that he pulled a stack of papers. "This is my resume and letter of introduction," he said. She took it wordlessly and walked over to the desk. She briefly glanced at each page, and only looked up when she compared the photo on the resume with the man standing just inside the door. Then she put the folder on the desk and turned to face him, propped against the front of the desk. "Au natural, Martin! Then come to attention, toes on this line!" She pointed to a faint red line about two feet long drawn on the floor in front of her desk. He looked at her, startled. "You mean ...?" "I mean you are to appear before me completely nude. You should be used to that with your training; you better get used to it because that's very common around here. Use the table over there to place your things, neatly! Go!" She clapped her hands sharply and watched intently as the dark-haired man crossed to the far end of the room and began undressing. Martin put his bag carefully on the table and then removed his pants, shirts, boots, and underwear, placing them all carefully next to the bag. He removed his wristwatch last and placed it in the pocket of his pants. He then walked back to her desk and placed both feet just at the red line, about a foot apart. He placed his hands behind his back and looked down at the edge of desk in front of him. Anne didn't move even though he was only inches from her. Then she pushed herself away from the desk and took a slow walk around him, eyeing his strong back, legs and buttocks. She went around the desk to her chair and sat down, then picked up the folder again and re-read it slowly and thoroughly. After a few minutes she leaned back in her chair and looked directly at him. The look in her face was very business-like . "Head up," she commanded. He looked back at her. His body was as tan as his face and arms except for the area below the waist to the tops of his thighs which were starkly white. His chest was hairless, and the his belly showed some signs of middle age. His pubic hair was also graying like that on his head, and Anne's direct and unflinching gaze caused him to blush and he felt an erection beginning. The young woman appeared not to notice. Anne thought how nice it was to get an older man for a change. She had been doing this job since graduating, and most of the applicants were young and, well inexperienced. This one looked mature. Maybe a little rebellious. He would need watching; she intended to keep a close grip on him. "Explain your experiences with the Femina Society School," she said. "I began my postal training program about nine months ago as a postulant in the Sissy Maid School, in October," he began. "I completed all of the basic training by February. In March I began in-person sessions with my Instructress, and took several advanced courses. Over the course of the spring I devoted all of my free time to the School, serving in-person every weekend that I could. I spent my other time reading essays and listening to cassettes from the School. When my Instructress mentioned that a full-time position was available here at the Institute I asked her to let me apply. She agreed, and wrote the letter of introduction that I brought." "So you have never been constantly in service for more than a weekend?" "No". "Have you been taught to use correct titles?" He blushed again. "Yes, of course. Forgive me, Ms. Buckley." "Forgiveness, as you should have learned, is not available to servants, Martin. You do not get forgiveness. What you get here is work and discipline. What is the meaning of CHORD?" "CHORD stands for Control Humility Obedience Restrictions and Discipline, the fabric of the Femina Society, Ms. Buckley." "Do you know what those mean in the context of work here at this Institute?" "No, not exactly, Ms. Buckley." "Well, which are you experiencing now?" "All of them, I guess". "Yes," she nodded, "in a limited and strictly physical way. Your former Instructress in her letter believes that you have the potential to become both emotionally and intellectually attached to our Society. I am, on her recommendation, willing to give you a chance to serve us here. For new aspiring servants we offer this understanding: We will take you on for a period of at most four weeks. If you find that you cannot perform the work we ask, or if we find that you are unsuitable for our needs, we will terminate our agreement and you will leave the institute. Note that either party, you or us can terminate at any point in those first four weeks. To that end we have a contract of servitude here to be signed today covering the four weeks." "If," she continued, "at the end of four weeks both parties agree to continue the relationship, you will sign a two-year contract of servitude. That agreement will essentially be an extension of this temporary one, but the signing will take place in a ritual ceremony attended by the entire population. You will take an oath then as well, be given a ritual collar, and there will be some ordeal and so on. It is a very nice and touching moment." "If you in principal agree to these provisions and signing such a legal document, then I will proceed to detail its provisions to you. If not, you may dress and leave." "I am in agreement, Ms. Buckley." "Very well". She opened the notebook on the desk. "Let me summarize this legalese in plain English. After you sign it, you'll get a copy that you will read and learn verbatim. You will be tested on it. "The Deering Institute consists of these building and grounds. It is staffed by approximately ten professional women, aided by a dozen male servants and a few handmaidens, or female servants. The clients of this Institute are women of various ages and background who have come here for healing, education, and therapy of different types. They remain here for period ranging from a few days to several months. The staff is dedicated to helping these women overcome whatever adversity they face. The professional staff are doctors, nurses, therapists, healers, and crones. You agree to work here as one of the servants. Your role, at the start, is a basic one of attending to the physical comfort of either clients or professional staff. "The duration of the initial contract is for four weeks, and the extension is for two years. On the extension, you have no option but to remain here for that period. If we find you unacceptable for any reason, we may terminate this agreement and dismiss you. "Under this agreement you will perform any and all service as directed by any staff member of this Institute. Such services include but are not necessarily restricted to housework, yardwork, and office work. You have no choice in what work or service you are directed to do. You may also be asked to entertain, care for, or cater to any member of the staff or residents which you shall do without question. "You are to perform all services and tasks in a gracious and giving manner. It is a breach of this contract to appear reluctant or unhappy about any task you are told to do. "Every aspect of your life is controlled by the members of this Institute. You are to wear exactly the clothes specified; you are to sleep during the time specified; you will bathe and eat at the time specified. No voluntary action can be performed by you unless your superior has specifically permitted you that freedom. You are not to have sex either alone or with any person, male or female, without the express permission of your superiors. "Your immediate superior at the beginning will be Ms. Kara Timiken, the Institute Housekeeper. She will be responsible for your initial training and work assignments. I am the Institute Steward and could be regarded as Kara's superior, but that's not quite the way we work here, as you'll find out. Our basic organizational structure is a cooperative network, as opposed to the hierarchical tree structure you are used to. "Any member of the staff has the right and duty to discipline you for any reason, be it training or punishment for misbehavior. Discipline is both physical, that is corporal, and mental. There is no limit to the type or duration or severity of any discipline you will be subject to. You may be made to write an essay, stand in the corner like a bad boy, or tied to the pillory and flogged before the population. You must accept such discipline with the humility and grace expected of a servant. "No member of the male servant staff is allowed to direct, in any way, the activities of any other male servant. Female servants, however, are senior servants and considered one rank above male servants. Male servants must treat them as staff members, and are subject to their authority if so directed." "The Institute in turn will provide you with food, clothing, shelter, health care, education. and wellness programs. You will be given chances to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually in the service of women. "You will be tested constantly on your knowledge and abilities. You are expected to continually improve in all aspects of service. You are expected to express your respect and devotion to this institute, its members and visitors, at all times. "Do you have any questions?" "No, Ms. Buckley." "Good. I'll call Kara in to witness your signature. The first weeks will be difficult since everything will be new and you are needed to begin real work immediately. This will be on-the-job training since we do not have the luxury or permitting you to learn the ropes gradually. You will be thrown into the fray, so to speak, and you must learn quickly. You can expect the training and discipline to be rigorous. Kara is extremely good with new servants, but she isn't the most patient woman you've ever met." She paused to pick up the phone and punched in a number. "Kara? Come over now for the signing and delivery." She hung up and turned to Martin. "Her full name is Ms. Kara Timiken. She's Finnish, has a little accent. You'll get used to it. When she gets here we will have the signing and witnessing of the contract. Then you will be collared and put in Kara's charge. All servants get a double collar to start with. If you last the four weeks, and sign on for the long term we'll have a initiation ceremony in the Hall where everyone can listen to your oath and we'll do a proper collar ceremony." "I guess you have already learned one new command, au natural. Before Kara arrives you must learn to bow because that's the second new thing every servant learns and I expect you to greet her with one. Every time you meet one of the staff or residents for the first time in a day you must stop whatever you are doing, come to attention facing your superior, and then bow low from the waist and remain in position until you are released. All movement should be precise, unhurried, unobtrusive, but deliberate and immediate. You are demonstrating your deep and profound respect." Anne got up from her desk and walked around to where Martin stood. On her way she picked up a 36" cane that had stood unobtrusively against the wall. She flexed its yellow smoothness between her hands, and tapped Martin above his right hip. "Attention. Turn left to face me. Heels together. Toes angled apart about 30 degrees. Posture erect. Look at me, I've just come into your sight. Now, face directly toward me, hands at your sides, arms hanging loose but firm. Now bow. Bend from the waist, eyes falling down as you go. Hands slightly cupped, fingers and thumbs stay touching your thighs. Your face and entire bearing indicate that you are delighted to see me and wish me to remain forever. Greet me by voice, softly and respectfully". Martin bowed somewhat stiffly. "Good morning, Ms. Buckley." She circled his naked body, used her cane to move his fingers back. Then she pressed the rod against his lower stomach and pushed inwards. "Butt out, nice and full. Remember that presenting your bottom cheeks in their fullest is always a sign of respect and servility. The command Up means return to attention. If I say resume that means resume what you were doing before you saw me. Or you may be given another position command. You acknowledge my command with As you wish. Up!" "As you wish, Ms. Buckley. "OK, let's try again. Let's say you're cleaning the floor - get on your hands and knees - and I enter the room." He got down on all fours, then scrambled up, faced her, brought his heels together and bowed deeply. "Good morning, Ms. Buckley". She said nothing, but walked behind him and tapped his white buttocks lightly with the rod. "When at attention, or bowing, you hold perfectly still until you are released with an order. You know that perfectly well from your previous training. Even if you bow to a new client and that woman doesn't know how to release you, you must remain in position. That shows the client how devoted you are to her and eventually she'll get the idea. Now, until Kara gets here, kowtow!" "As you wish, Ms. Buckley." He got down on his hands and knees, this time pressing his forehead to the floor and stretching his hands in front of him. In a few moments, Kara Timiken sailed into the room. "Kara, this is Martin. Martin, greet Ms. Kara Timiken." Martin once more arose and faced the newcomer. "Good morning, Ms. Timiken." He bowed and waited. Kara Timiken, was even younger than Anne. But she was tall, blonde, and rangy, and moved like a cat, hinting at an athletic background. Indeed, she had played goalie on the school soccer teams, both high school and university, and still jogged and worked out to stay fit. She wore shorts and T-shirt, sneakers with no socks, and no jewelry. She had blue eyes and no makeup. In her hand she carried a small gym bag which she dropped on the floor. As Martin held the bow he had so recently learned, Kara walked all around him with a critical eye. "Touch toes," she ordered. Martin stretched over and reached for his feet, coming up a few inches short. The Finn continued to circle, now reaching out to feel his biceps, thighs, and buttocks, kneading each in turn. She pinched a bit of fat at his midsection between thumb and fingers and ran her hands up his back. "Well," she said to Anne, "he's a bit on the hefty side. Look, he doesn't touch toes all the way." Anne shrugged. "His marks at the school were good. Patricia will exercise some of the fat off, his diet will be regulated, and you can keep him at hard work. I want you to give him a chance. Up!" directed to Martin. She pulled the contract to the edge of the desk and flipped to the last page. "Let's sign this formality. Remember, Kara, it's a four-week trial. If he isn't working out, then we let him go." Then taking a pen, she signed her name at the bottom and handed the pen to Martin. "Your signature, there". Martin took the pen, stepped forward and bent over to sign. He handed the pen to Kara who signed on the line for the witness and Anne folded up the papers. "I'll make a copy and give it to you later. You are now officially a servant for the Institute. This bag that Kara brought is your personal bag containing many useful items. You are responsible for keeping your personal and special things in it. First is the Rule Book for Servants which you will be reading and studying in your spare time. Then there are some items of clothing and such. Kara, get the collars and we'll start by putting them on." From the gym bag Kara removed two soft leather collars with Velcro fasteners and, on the outside of each, several attached chrome rings. The smaller she handed to Anne, then spoke to Martin. "Dog walk!" Martin obediently fell to his hands and knees. Kara fastened the collar around his neck and pulled it snug. "This collar symbolizes that your head belongs to us. You listen to what we say, and you obey without question or fear. Say you understand." "My head belongs to the Institute. I will obey all of your directives in every way", said Martin. Kara stepped back and Anne came closer. "Attention," she said softly. He rose and faced her. She took the smaller collar and fastened in around his scrotum and penis, and pulled it snug. The pressure caused his penis to enlarge. "This collar symbolizes that your body belongs to us. Your body will obey us, without question or fear. Acknowledge its presence." "My body belongs to the Institute. I will obey all of your directives in every way." Anne looked straight at Martin. "These collars are practical as well as symbolic, of course. Many useful things can be attached to them, and you can be attached to many things as well. You are not to take these off except to shower. If you hear au natural you leave the collars on unless it is specifically said, collars off or something similar." "Now in honor of your acceptance for a trial period at the Institute, Kara and I will administer your first taste of discipline. A good dose should set the tone for our future together. I find that new servants work much better right at the beginning the sooner they understand the rules. Kara, what do you think about starting Martin here with a nice, solid strapping, and then I'll add a half dozen with the cane?" "My pleasure, Ms. Buckley", grinned the blonde. "Touch toes again, servant, and remain in position." She walked over to the closet and opened it to retrieve a two-foot razor strap handing on a peg inside. She picked it up by its ear and casually swung it back and forth as she approached the twin white cheeks stretched in front of her. The strap was a real razor strap, three inches wide of a double thickness of leather stitched together at the free end and having a leather ear at the other end serving as a handle. Martin nervously peeked around at her, catching a glimpse of her long legs as she strode toward him. "When you read the Rule Book you'll know exactly how we expect you to behave during discipline. But the basics are: no moving, no talking except to say thank you if you must say anything, and you must begin with an ad lib request for discipline and, when I am finished, a sincere thank you for my efforts. I'm waiting now for your request." Martin cleared his throat, then began to stammer, "I-I, uh, humbly request that you, ah, strap me thoroughly, Ms. Timikem so that I may, ah, serve you well in the future." "Very well," said the rangy blonde. "Would you help him hold position, Anne? I think three dozen crisp strokes should warm you up. Twelve left, twelve right, and then twelve down the middle." As she spoke, Anne Buckley moved to stand in front of the bent-over man, moved up close so that her sandaled feet were directly in his gaze. She placed both hands lightly but firmly on his back and pushed down so his outstretched fingers almost came to his toes. In the meantime, Kara was lightly swinging the razor strap up against the underside of the twin white cheeks. When Anne had Martin firmly between her hands, Kara moved to his left side and brought the strap back and down with a wicked crack! high on his left buttock. The sudden pain brought a sharp intake of breath, but before he could cry out the second strike was on its way. It landed just about exactly one inch below the first and was just as painful. In this way Kara proceeded to lay a dozen strokes of the strap down his left buttock which quickly started to turn bright pink. The last few strokes were well onto his upper thigh. The cracking noise of leather on skin filled the room. After the briefest of pauses, Kara stepped to her right and began the next twelve touching only his right buttock. These followed exactly the same pattern, proceeding from top to bottom, overlapping by about two inches down to his upper thigh. Martin tried to hold still and be quiet, but each stroke caused a intake of breath and a low urff! escaped his mouth. Fot the final dozen which were to cross both now-pink buttocks, the young Finn returned to her original position. These strokes were also laid on from top to bottom, but she held her arm out farther and let more of the strap land on its target. She also swung a little harder and left a little more time between each stroke. As the leather bit into his bottom, Martin began shifting his weight from leg to leg and twitching his rear end after each stroke. Finally, the eleventh and twelfth were down near his balls and caused him to yelp. "Oww! Thank you, Ms. Timiken! Thank you!" Without a word Kara returned the strap to its hook in the closet. Anne Buckley released her grip on the new servant letting him bob up a little, and picked up her yellow cane from the desk. Kara replaced Anne in front of Martin and with a little more force than Anne had used, pushed him down once again. The left-handed diminutive steward took her place on his right side, and slowly swung the cane right against the fullest part of his bottom and held it there. "I think I said six," she said. "Give me a count, servant. Don't anticipate. Wait calmly for each stroke, bottom full out. You want to feel this cane, you know you deserve it, you know it will make you a better servant." She waited in silence. Without warning she flicked her wrist and left a red stripe on top of the pink glow. Martin grunted in pain but held his feet on the ground. "One!" he cried and twitched. Again, the cane stayed in contact with his bottom a few inches higher than the first stroke until he was completely still. Then flick! and reaction: "Two!". The third was placed high on his thighs and judging from Martin's groan, extremely painful. The last three were placed exactly in the same position as the first three, overlaying them precisely. All six were delivered with equal force; Ms. Buckley did not believe in letting up. If six was the announcement, then six it would be, not five and a half. The sixth, again on the thighs, caused Martin to bend his knees slightly and drop his bottom a little while he groaned out his "Thank you." Anne walked back behind her desk and propped the lethal implement against the wall. Kara stepped away and Anne ordered him up. "Now, thank us for our efforts," she coaxed. Red in the face from bending over so long, and red in the bottom from his discipline, he swallowed and choked. "Th..thank you Ms. Buckley and Ms. Timiken for taking the time to, uh, punish me ....". "Discipline," interrupted Anne. "Punishment is for breaking the rules. Discipline is for enforcing proper behavior. You should know that." "Yes", Martin agreed. "Of course. Thank you for both for your discipline. I feel greatly invigorated and prepared to work now." Anne looked piercingly at him. Then to Kara, "All right. Run him over to the doctor for a quick physical. Then show him to servant quarters, and," she opened her hands and smiled, "get him to work!" "Very well, Anne." To Martin, "Say good-bye, pick up your things, and follow me. Toe walk." Matin bowed to Anne. "Good-bye Ms. Buckley. Thank you, again." He held the bow until Anne released him with by murmuring "Go". He picked up his clothes, old bag and new bag, and followed the tall blonde out the door, naked except for a leather collar around his neck, another around his balls and penis, buttocks pink with three red stripes, and walking on his toes.